The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

— Charlie Bradley —

Theater performance with actors on stage, vibrant backdrop, colorful costumes, and props.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever was my first real venture into the land of TYA Musicals, and it opened a lot of doors for me. Getting to play a kid was just a joy and it was just really fun to let loose and let yourself act like a little kid. Plus, what was also fun is that I was doing Assassins at the same time. Talk about range!

Perfect Little Town -

The Horrible Herdmans -

Take My Lunch -

Perfect Little Town - The Horrible Herdmans - Take My Lunch -

Hey Mrs. Bradley -

Baskets for the Needy -

My Mother Said -

Die Herod Die -

Hey Mrs. Bradley - Baskets for the Needy - My Mother Said - Die Herod Die -

The Best Gift of All -

On a Night Like This -

Let There Be Joy -

The Best Gift of All - On a Night Like This - Let There Be Joy -

Show Photos

Pictures taken by Jamie Greene of J. Greene Photography.

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