Jack Cipriani
“What does he not do?” -someone, probably.
Jack is a Multi-hyphenate Rulebreaker.
Sound Designer
Graphic Designer
Your better question:
Here’s what I’m about.
Jack Cipriani (he/him) is that guy. Ever since he was little, he’s had one goal in mind: to be the best he could be. When he was 8, that meant being the best midfielder the Moon Township soccer field had ever seen. When he was 12, that meant being the funniest kid in class. When he was 18, that meant being the one who would deliver the best speech at graduation. And now, at 20, that’s being the best performer for the job.
Whether it’s rock that’s designed to melt your face off, or ballads that could make even the meanest sob, Jack has trained himself to do it all. Jack refuses to accept any sort of “box” or “type”. He prides himself in his ability to be fluid and dynamic, and take on whatever comes his way, on or off-stage. His range in Theatre is just as wide as his range for how he lives his life. When not on stage, Jack can be found cliff diving, exploring, snowboarding, and just generally living life on the edge.
Jack has never let anything stop him, and doesn't plan on letting anything do that any time soon.