I do more than just theatre.
Who Am I?
I want you to get to be able to know the real me; both on and off stage. so, here’s the space to do so!
Down below are some of my own personal favorite photos of me.

I’m quite adventurous.
Just hanging around.
Taken in the snow, when I was dressed as Miles Morales.
Taken from a walk in Pittsburgh.
When I went exploring in some caves in Iowa.
Just a photo of me in SRU.
Hanging around in even more trees.
Taken at our Spring Awakening photoshoot.
Me a little covered after a sledding day.
Taken from our American Idiot photoshoot.
I have a thing for hanging upsidedown.
Me pretty high up in an Iowa forest.
Taken at my local playground back home.
We found a tire swing while exploring.
Taken inside a cave in Iowa.
This was at the top of the Empire State building, first time in NYC!
Me and my friend Max went Snowboarding!
Also at my local playground. I like to climb.
Taken during an actual Tornado Warning. Probably should have stayed indoors...
Taken in a cave crevasse in Iowa.
Taken outside Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club.

These are less serious…

Me doing Star Wars fight choreography me and my friends created.

Me in a very silly position during a fun game.

Me my first week of college sleeping in a roller.

Me seeing Parade in the Museum of Broadway. It's my favorite :)

This was during a "foam party" outside the dorms Sophomore year. I had fun.

Me posted up backstage as Lonny.

Me pretending to take a bow to a full house.

Me in Radio City Musical Hall. Hoping to be back some day. Maybe you'll help me!

Me waiting for Assassins to start. We started sitting in the audience.

Me go-karting over one of my summers.

Someone trying to take a photo of me. I didn't let that slide.

Me after I messed up a harmony line at the very end of a live recording of 21 Guns. I was devastated.

A (terrible) photo of me someone got at my Grad Party. Poor guy.

Me during one of our Macbeth techs. Long week.

Me with my fake blood during my nosebleed in Tragedy! To this day, my favorite effect in live theatre I've done.

Me after striking the Rock of Ages set in Iowa.

Me waiting for my laundry in a cart.

Me taken during a Hypnotism event my very first week of college.

Me taking a silly photo on my friends digital camera.

Me with a very large firework for the 4th of July.

This was when I found someone's dog at a farmers market!

Me after I finished stacking some chips.

Me on a break in Heathers rehearsal. Long day.

Me taking a silly photo in the Times Square McDonalds.

Me realizing that the fake blood for Macbeth would not wash off easy.

Me holding myself up inside a large Steelers helmet replica at Kennywood.

Me trying to sleep after my friends got wrapping paper and wrapped my entire dorm.

Me putting my friends cat in air jail after he tried biting me.

Just a silly pose I ended up in at a two-story McDonalds; which I didn't know they even had.

Me at the Totally Rad Vintage Festival listing what my favorite find was.

A picture for a TikTok I made for Spring Awakening. I don't even know how to provide context.